Nylon bag

Production of transparent, opaque and colored plastic handbags, without handles (freezer) and…

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What is a nylon bag?

Nylon is a type of composite polymer and polyamide that has various uses. This material has good mechanical strength and high melting point. Nylons are water resistant.

Nylon was first used to make toothbrushes and socks. This versatile material was made by a man named Wallace Carrots.

Nylon bags are used in different parts, for example, the following can be mentioned:
Supermarkets, shopping malls, dried fruit packaging, inner packaging, protective nylon bags, shearing nylon bags, large size nylon bags for large and heavy items
Nylon bags can be produced in a flexible and durable way by using special methods, and by using recycled polyethylene, the cost price can be reduced and a cost-effective product can be produced.

Transparent nylon and Nylex plastic handles are a small part of this large family, but also a variety of freezer bags, greenhouse and agricultural, packaging plastics and… are also produced transparently.

Dimensions of nylon bag

سایز / cmضخامتظرفیت کیسهبسته بندی داخلیبسته بندی خارجیرنگ
20x1060 میکرون

100 تا 200 گرمبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
25x1560 میکرون

250 تا 500 گرمبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
25x1760 میکرون

500 گرمبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
30x2065 میکرون1کیلوییبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
36x2370 میکرون2کیلوییبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
42x2580 میکرون3کیلوبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
45x2890 میکرون4کیلوبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
50x3095 میکرون5کیلوییبسته بندی 1 کیلوییکیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
50x32100 میکرون5کیلویی-کیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
50x35110 میکرون5کیلویی-کیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
60x40120 میکرون10کیلویی-کیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
70x40120 میکرون10کیلویی-کیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف
80x45140 میکرون10 تا 20 کیلویی-کیسه 25 کیلوییشفاف

More pictures of nylon bag with PoosheshPlastic Saen

Printing on plastic bags

The possibility of printing on these bags has made it possible for customers to apply the printing they need and practically have an ID for their products.

In most cases for printing on stretch film And clear plastic bags use one or two colors, which cover a small part of the nylon, which is why people who order this type do not want to pay a lot of money and the cost of printing an extra thing without It is useful and most people who are thinking about print items order their model as a colored background.

سایر محصولات

Stretch film


Irrigation nylon

Irrigation nylons

Nylon bag

Agricultural nylon

Nylon roll

Nylon roll
